Tuesday, February 20, 2007

At what cost?

Is it just my unsympathetic nature, or are you tired of hearing about back-to-nature, smelly hippie types having to be rescued from freezing mountain tops?

It's winter time, snow storms abound on big mountains, it's life-threateningly cold, snowy mountain hiking is inherently dangerous....so why would a group of people decide to go hiking under those conditions despite the danger?

Because they're stupid...that's why!

Rescue workers, while highly trained and competent, must risk their own lives to find and save these people. And at great cost...a cost borne by tax-payers. Why should tax-payers be obligated to save the stupid from themselves?

I wish just once for the media, breathlessly reporting with high drama about the rescue efforts and interviewing the weeping loved ones, all the while hoping for a body or two, would point out the costs associated with saving these morons from their own stupidity. Each and every one of these hikers should be charged with his share of the costs associated with saving him. If they have the cash, great. If not, they can make payments until their debt is paid off. This should make dumb hikers think twice before heading out in a winter storm to commune with nature.

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