Tuesday, February 20, 2007

A silky pony by any other name....

The Breck Girl was just about recovered from the fallout from his stupid bloggers' hateful rants about Catholics and others, when he went and revealed the dirty little secret we conservatives have always known about liberals...that according to them, Israel is the cause of all strife, pain, and misery in the Middle East. Here's how it went down according to Peter Bart of Variety.com...

There are other emerging fissures, as well. The aggressively photogenic John Edwards was cruising along, detailing his litany of liberal causes last week until, during question time, he invoked the "I" word -- Israel. Perhaps the greatest short-term threat to world peace, Edwards remarked, was the possibility that Israel would bomb Iran's nuclear facilities. As a chill descended on the gathering, the Edwards event was brought to a polite close.

Anti-semitic Democrats like Jimmy "the Dhimmi" Carter, and now John Edwards, never blame middle-east waring on terrorists like Hamas, Hezbollah, Arafat, Ahmadinejad, Bin Laden, Al Qaida, or the Palestinians. No, they blame the Israelis...the only functioning Republic in the region that embraces individual freedoms and democracy. Liberal Democrat cowards are so afraid of offending ANY Muslim, that they blame the victims of mid-east terror...the Jews. Israel isn't threatening to wipe Iran off the map.

I swear! That Jews in America continue to vote Democrat defies belief.

Hat tip to Peter Bart and Variety.com.


  1. I have a political query to be pondered.

    If the Democrats constantly and blatantly blame the Israelis for all Middle Eastern problems, and if these people are decendents of God's chosen people, how can the Democrats be trying to garner evangelical support this time around and expect normal thinking humans to buy the rhetoric and babble? Thought provoking I hope.

  2. I have a political query to be pondered.

    If the Democrats constantly and blatantly blame the Israelis for all Middle Eastern problems, and if these people are decendents of God's chosen people, how can the Democrats be trying to garner evangelical support this time around and expect normal thinking humans to buy the rhetoric and babble? Thought provoking I hope.

  3. That Jews in America continue to vote for Democrats is baffeling to say the least. It must have something to do with their storied self-loathing.
