Friday, January 05, 2007

Shut up and act!

Though I couldn't be less interested in suffering through another "Rocky" movie, I was sort of glad to see Stallone land on his feet after all these years....that is, until I read this...

MEXICO CITY (AP) - Sylvester Stallone defended boxing, praised the hard work of Mexicans and dished out some jabs against U.S. plans to build a wall on its southern border, as the 60-year-old actor visited Mexico City to promote his sixth "Rocky" film.

In "Rocky Balboa," an MGM Pictures release, the aging scrapper is running a restaurant when a computer-simulated bout inspires him to put the gloves back on. In one scene, his character defends his restaurant's immigrant cooks and waiters against slanderous comments.

"I support Mexicans who work in my country," he said, adding that the United States depends on the hard work of Latinos to keep running.
In comments to Mexican media later, Stallone criticized plans to build 700 miles of fence along the border as an immigration-control measure.
Such a fence was "crazy" and "ridiculous," he said, arguing that nations should be able to interact without being divided by walls.

So the cowardly Stallone goes to Mexico to criticize his country. I'll bet he wouldn't say that stuff here for fear it might cost him some ticket sales. I just lost what little respect I had for Sly.

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