Monday, January 08, 2007

Democrats will always be Democrats

They will seduce most of America by using all the feel-good jargon you can imagine to justify raising taxes on productive Americans, but at the end of the day, they remain vile, loathsome liberals disguised as progressives...

WASHINGTON – Democrats are not ruling out raising taxes for the wealthiest people to help pay for tax cuts for middle-income families, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi said.
She spoke of pursuing an estimated $300 billion that people owe in back taxes, eliminating deficit spending and reducing wasteful federal spending.

“As we review what we get from ... collecting our taxes a reducing waste, fraud and abuse, investing in education and in initiatives which will bring money into the treasury, it may be that tax cuts for those making over a certain amount of money, $500,000 a year, might be more important to the American people than ignoring the educational and health needs of America's children,” Pelosi, D-Calif., said in an interview aired Sunday.
A budget rule, known as the pay-as-you-go rule, that was approved by the Democratic-run House on Friday requires that tax cuts have corresponding cuts in government spending or tax increases elsewhere to pay for them.

“What we're saying is Democrats propose tax cuts for middle-income families. And we want to have 'pay-go,' no new deficit spending. We're not going to start with repealing tax cuts, but they certainly are not off the table for people making over half a million dollars a year,” Pelosi said.

The Senate's top Republican said most GOP senators oppose this budget rule because “it almost guarantees that the majority, if it enacts it, will try to raise taxes.”

It's a forgone conclusion that Democrats will raise taxes...they're Democrats for heaven's sake. Here's the twisted reasoning they'll use: it's for the children, we'll balance the budget, rich people are evil and don't need all that money, working Americans deserve more from the rich. These are typical tried-and-true liberal rationalizations that dumb Americans are happy to fall for every time.

Questions for SanFranNan: Sure you're going to raise taxes on the richest Americans to use in vote-buying schemes for the lower classes...I get that, after all you're a Democrat. But when was the last time a poor American created a job? When was the last time a poor American contributed anything to the strength of the economy? Poor people consume resources provided to them by the money you seize from productive Americans. You don't really want to make productive, tax-paying achievers out of the lower classes. You want to give them just enough of other people's money to keep them happy, lazy, unmotivated, and dependent on you.

You(liberals) would be happy to have an America comprised of exactly three classes of people:
1- a vast nationwide underclass of loyal Democrat voters who are utterly dependent on you for their wellbeing, and unmotivated to improve their own lives...kind of like the residents of New Orleans.
2- a rich, productive, achieving class from whom you can extract vast sums of money in the form of taxes which you will use to pay for the goody bags with which you spoil your voting base(Group #1).
3- an elitist class of progressive, enlightened "leaders" like yourself who have all the answers for society's problems and can dictate how the Neanderthal, working-class Americans live their lives and to whom the rules of the Constitution do not apply.

This is Nancy Pelosi's vision of America. It's also Hillary's vision of America. If you vote Democrat in '08, expect the picture above of a Socialist America to start taking shape.


  1. " seems clear that the nation's current fiscal path is unsustainable and that tough choises by the President or the Congress are neccessary in order to address the nation's large and growing long-term fiscal imbalance."
    U.. Treasury Report, Des. 15, 2006

    I guess the Democrats are to blame?

  2. You are correct sir, that the nations current fiscal path is unsustainable and choices have to be made. That is where we part ways.

    I do not blame the Democrats, however. My Republicans have been in control of the purse-strings for 12 years and have spent money to buy votes like drunken sailers on shore leave.

    My disgust with my own party's fiscal leadership knows no limits. That being said, the solution is not to increase taxes on the very people responsible for creating the wealth we enjoy as employed Americans. The answer is to dramatically cut spending, eliminate useless government programs, and have total transparency.

    Sadly the Democrats solve every problem with class warfare rationalizations and tax increases. Republicans solve them with deficit spending...six of one, half a dozen of the other.

    To me, there remains little if any fiscal difference between Republicans and Democrats. I'm disgusted by both.
