Friday, January 05, 2007

just blame Bush

In light of the fact that liberal Democrats think that George Bush controls everything evil in the modern world including the weather and oil prices, how would they explain this news?

Oil prices fell further on Friday to hover at about $55 a barrel, bringing the week's decline to nearly 10%.
The slide came after oil prices saw their most dramatic drop in two years a day earlier.

You don't mean that George Bush allowed world crude oil prices to fall, causing his cronies in the oil industry to lose all that money? We've been told by liberals that Bush, and not the world crude oil markets, controls world gas prices and is solely responsible for the record profits enjoyed by American big oil companies. How then would liberals explain the dramatic drop in prices? Surely if Bush controlled the prices, he would have lowered them before the election, not after.

Typical Democrats...when times are bad, they blame Bush. When times are better, they pretend that they're not and blame Bush.


  1. "Typical Democrats...when times are bad, they blame Bush. When times are better, they pretend that they're not and blame Bush."

    Republicans would never ever do this if the president was democratic...

  2. I'm not saying that Republicans are incapable of underhandedness, I am saying that Republicans generally don't have willing accomplices in the media who will regurgitate, without question, whatever they say, the way Demcrats have.

    So Republicans rarely try trickeration, not because they're too moral, but because they wouldn't get away with it.

    See: Media double standard

  3. Well, if it isn't the Democrats, then it's the media.

    Speaking on getting away with: The Republicans got away with the WMD and Al-Quaida bluff for quite some time, don't you think?

    (If not, who's to blame this time?)

  4. I really don't want to rehash the WMD straw man argument. As for Al-Quaida, where's the bluff?

    That terrorist organization represents, still to this day, the greatest physical threat to the U.S. than any other.

    WMD was a drop in the bucket of reasons to go into Iraq. Liberals like to bring up WMD, Bush-lied arguments to draw attention away from the fact that they looked the other way while Saddam and his men, raped, murdered, tortured, gassed, and otherwise brutalized millions of Iraqis.

    Tragically, liberals see less wrong with Saddam's 30 year reign of terror than they do with drilling for oil in ANWR...dumb pacifists.
