Tuesday, January 16, 2007

Et tu, DiscoveryChannel? Et tu?

So my kid and I are watching the Discovery Channel Sunday night. There was this cool show on about the 6 most dramatic ways the Earth could come to an end. They had great special effects, science, and data to show how it would really happen.

The first three were natural disasters...1.Earth gets simultaneously ripped apart and crushed in the gravity of a black hole 2. A killer asteroid collides with Earth and destroys all life leaving only roaches to rule 3. The magma lake that is known to exist below Yellowstone erupts, and spews enough sulfer ash into the upper atmosphere to plunge Earth into essentially permanent winter.

Now for the man-made disasters: 1. Global thermo-nuclear war breaks out when Iran, the Norks, or some other rogue state launches a weapon 2. I cannot to save my own life remember what #2 was because I was so astonished and disappointed by #3. Of course by now you have probably guessed that the most dire, immediate, man-made threat to the existence to human life on Earth is Man-Made Global Warming.

I can't remember who hosted the show but she breathlessly interviewed Al Gore and a steady stream of "scientists" who were saying that global warming deniers were just as vile and soulless as holocaust deniers. According to Al, when the Greenland Ice Shelf finally melts, the global ocean levels will have risen 20 feet. He actually predicted, and with a straight face too, that within the next 20 years or so, 80% of the Florida penninsula would be covered with water leaving millions of refugees.

This whole otherwise interesting show was a setup to compare man-made global warming with the absolute worst things that could happen to Earth...worse than nuclear war, worse than a black hole even. And of course, the evil, uncaring, capitalist pigs in the U.S. made our country the primary culprit contributing to the Earth's demise. China and India, the two fastest developing countries, both of which have zero pollution controls on their industries, were never mentioned. This was an attack piece on the U.S. plain and simple.

See the Discovery Channel should stick to actual science and avoid taking political sides because they just lost a viewer.

1 comment:

  1. I thought Florida already had millions of refugees. Some Snowbirds and some Cubans. Maybe the flooding of the Florida penisula will be a good thing - at least Atlantis would then have an amusment park!
