Tuesday, January 16, 2007

Many miles away....

Looks like The Police may be getting close to a reunion tour to celebrate their 30th anniversary. Apparently, Andy Sommers and Stewart Copeland were spotted at a low-key birthday party for Sting's wife Trudy Styler. Also, Sting was spotted at the preview of a indie film on which Sommers and Copeland did the sound track. All this togetherness has fueled the reunion rumors.

As a huge Police fan, I would be stoked to see these guys play together again.

"But Ed", you whine, "Sting is a Hollywood, enviro-lib who is anti-military and very critical of George Bush. How can you be a fan?"

If a band makes music that I like, I can segregate their idiotic politics from their music. Additionally, artists like Bono, Dave Matthews, and Sting at least have somewhat intelligent, well thought out, objections to certain policies...I can respect that without agreeing. The Dixie Chicks and Barbara Streisand, on the other hand, are vapid, airheaded, bimbos who mindlessly regurgitate liberal dogma. They aren't taken seriously by anybody because they aren't serious. All they have to offer is personal attacks founded in raw hatred of GWB rather than legitimate(albeit wrong), long-held positions on issues. There's a difference.


  1. This cannot happen soon enough. We need these 3 very talented guys to get back together, cut a new album or 2, and bring back a great fresh sound. Easily these guys were top 10 of the 80's sound.
