Tuesday, January 16, 2007

Off with their heads!

This is gruesome and grotesque, but I can find ironic humor in the accidental beheading of men responsible for gruesome and grotesque torture of their fellow Iraqis...

BAGHDAD, Jan. 15 — Iraq’s turbulent effort to reckon with the violence of its past took another macabre turn on Monday when the execution of Saddam Hussein’s half brother ended with the hangman’s noose decapitating him after he dropped through the gallows trapdoor.

The Iraqis actually have tables dating back centuries which calculate the correct length of rope, given the weight of the condemned and the height of the gallows, that will properly snap the neck without decapitating the person...theoretical tables that is. Maybe somebody poured some rocks in his pocket just before the trap door opened.

There really isn't a point to this post, I just thought it made an absolutely hilarious visual.

Wonder when that video will hit YouTube?

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