Wednesday, January 10, 2007

A cop's cop

I'll bet the smelly hippies in NoCal are glad to see this guy hitting the dusty trail...

ALAMEDA COUNTY - After more than 50 years in one career, its not uncommon to think about what one would have done differently.

Monday, on his last day on the job, Alameda County Sheriff Charles Plummer had his own thoughts. After a retirement ceremony that included helicopter flyovers, bagpipes and what seemed like thousands of handshakes, the former Berkeley and Hayward top cop sat in his office afterward and voiced that one regret.

"I wish I would have hit some people harder during the riots," said Plummer, speaking of the riots in Berkeley in the late-1960s. "I regret that."

Not having been hit harder by authoritarian figures is exactly what smelly hippies are missing in their miserable misguided lives. It's why they turn out to be unproductive critics of the establishment and miserable degenerates rather than well-adjusted achievers and happy, hygienic citizens.

If America had more cops in the sixties like Charles Plummer, we'd be better off today.

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