Wednesday, January 10, 2007

Islamic jihadists can run, but they can't hide

On the day after 9/11, George Bush promised the American people that our military would take the fight to the terrorists wherever in the world they might be. Seems he meant every word...

By The Associated Press
FAZUL ABDULLAH MOHAMMED: A 32-year-old senior al-Qaida suspect who has a $5 million bounty on his head for allegedly planning the 1998 attacks on the U.S. embassies in Kenya and Tanzania that killed 225 people, [was killed yesterday when a U.S. military AC-130 gunship attacked suspected al-Qaida positions in a villiage suburb of Mogadishu, Somalia.] Fazul, who was born in the Comoros Islands, is also suspected of planning the nearly simultaneous car bombing of an Israeli-owned hotel and failed attempt to shoot down an Israeli airliner in Kenya in 2002. Thirteen people died in the hotel bombing. Fazul joined al-Qaida in Afghanistan and trained there with Osama bin Laden before becoming a teacher at a religious school in northern Kenya in the mid-1990s. He was captured by Kenyan police in 2002 for credit card fraud, but escaped after a day and fled to Somalia where authorities believe he has been hiding ever since.

We need a heck of a lot more of these type of operations around the world to show the terrorists that we cannot be toyed with, and that there is nowhere on Earth that they are safe from the long arm of the U.S. military.

UPDATE: Apparently this was a premature report. That bad guy was not killed after all. We did however, terminate some other less valuable targets in the bombing raid. Just kill them all and let God sort them out.


  1. I was gonna nominate this guy to be the Democratic candidate for US Senator. He would have fit in well w/ P-Lo and the Demthugs. Good riddance and kudos to the US military for a job well done. There should only be two kinds of terrorists - targeted and dead. Lets hope for many moving from the first type to the last type. Rock on GWB.

  2. Bush can partially revive his floundering, lame-duck presidency by sticking to his promise to hunt down terrorists world-wide, collateral damage be damned.

    "Either you're with us or you're with the terrorists."

    Post 9/11, there's no neutral position. Harbor terrorists at your peril.

  3. Shoddy reporting on behalh of the TRR reporter in the Middle East. Tell him/her to gt the story straight. We want dead bodies and if a report is inaccurate, then kill the right peso so that the report was correct. Your unlimited funds should allow for these type of reporters.

  4. One tends to believe the AP when it reports on the death of one of the most wanted terrorists in the world.

    Oh Well, unlike the NYTimes, the LATimes, or any other liberal fish-wrapper, we at TRR are more than happy to quickly set the record straight with a retraction in BOLD.

    Let's hope the Americans can hunt down and bag this target soon...good hunting boys!
