Tuesday, January 09, 2007

Toons of the times

I found these 'toons over at TownHall.com. They pretty much sum up the first week of '07. Some good news and some bad.


  1. Ed, how do you have time to blog during the day?

    Glad you do, but I barely have time to read it, much less create it.

  2. Scientific research is a funny game. You have periods of maximum effort and busyness during the day, followed immediately by an hour of waiting for a reaction to take place during which you can do other things.

    I probably spend an average of 10-15 minutes per post, so it doesn't really add up to that much. Of course that doesn't include scanning Drudge, Breitbart, Reuters, AP, MSNBC, Newsday, FoxNews, BBC, and other news services for interesting, relevant news items that I want to write about.

    Plus, somebody's got to keep an eye on the wacky, tin-foil-hat, lib sites, so I check them out once or twice a week just to see what lame-brain Bush/Haliburton conspiracy they are talking about.

    A lot of my browsing is done late night however, so I'm not frittering away valuable family time or work time on the computer.

    Anyway, as long as I have readers, I'll keep posting content I think is interesting to you guys.
