Tuesday, December 19, 2006

While European Socialists fiddle...

Here's a perfect example why Europe is falling before our very eyes...

Two out of three charged with rape in Norway’s capital are immigrants with a non-western background according to a police study. The number of rape cases is also rising steadily. Unni Wikan, a professor of social anthropology at the University of Oslo, in 2001 said that “Norwegian women must take their share of responsibility for these rapes” because Muslim men found their manner of dress provocative. The professor’s conclusion was not that Muslim men living in the West needed to adjust to Western norms, but the exact opposite: “Norwegian women must realize that we live in a Multicultural society and adapt themselves to it.”

These are the same crazed Muslim jihadists who murdered Theo Van Gogh and who rioted in response to some cartoons of Muhammed. In case you haven't figured it out yet, or you are a liberal who doesn't want to know the truth about Islam, the radicals target the most hospitable socialist countries to which to immigrate. There they reproduce like rabbits and demand that the host country change in order to accomodate their wacky religious practices. And the self-destructive Euro-weenies continue to tax their most productive class to death to pay for the upkeep of these Islamic parasites.

It's exactly like feeding a colony of termites as they busily gnaw at the foundation of your house.

And in what might be the stupidest quote of the year, the mindless academic blames the Norwegian women for their own rapes...unbelievable!

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