Tuesday, December 19, 2006

Bush the Enabler

No matter how they disguise themselves around election time, eventually Congressional Democrats will always show themselves to be the vile, loathsome wretches they are.......Oh, and you can toss Bush in with them after reading this...

The Bush administration has sent signals since last month's elections that the president is prepared to accept some tax increases on upper-income families, worrying congressional Republicans and fiscal conservative watchdogs who say he will compromise with Democrats to win a legacy accomplishment.

The favorite target of Democrats is always the richest Americans and businesses. It's easy to get the hand-out, loafing-class Americans(the Democrats' bread and butter voting base) to hate the rich simply for being rich. It doesn't matter that the top 5% of wage earners in America already pay 50% of the taxes Democrats use to buy votes...Harry Reid and Nancy Pelosi will squeeze them for more. It doesn't matter that the richest Americans create most of the jobs and wealth this country enjoys...Democrats will use class envy to soak them for still more. I always wonder why loafing-class Americans enjoy it when Democrats punish achievement by seizing more and more from the rich, when the poor don't get any of that money. I think they just take perverse pleasure in the misery of those who have more than them, and evil, Democrats are always ready and eager to exploit that dark side of human nature to seize political power.

That being said, it's not the Democrats that disappoint me (I always expect the worst from Democrats because they never fail to deliver it), it's George Bush rolling over for Democrats like a lap dog on a fundamentally conservative issue like taxation.

Bush has become a weak, tax-and-spend, big-government, RINO sell-out. The complacent, impotent Republican party will deserve to toil as the minority under the abhorrent, contemptible Hillary when she wins in '08, because of their desertion of conservative principles during the Bush presidency.

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