Monday, December 18, 2006

Conspiracy theories of sports in Alabama

Here are a few of the conspiracy theories floating around Alabama today...

1. Alabama still thinks it has a shot at Nick Saban(they probably do). Jimbo Fisher(OC at LSU) and Saban are big buds and want to coach together again. Fisher's continued availability helps Alabama recruit Saban from the Miami Dolphins when his season there ends in a couple of weeks. The conspiracy: the Alabama Board of Trustees, who astonishingly also control the UAB program, deep-sixed the possibility of UAB hiring Jimbo Fisher as head coach to use him as bait to get Saban to come to Alabama.

2. The person who has the most to lose if Nick Saban comes to Alabama is Tommy Tuberville at Auburn. His career and wallet have been the beneficiaries of Alabama's coaching merry-go-round for the last 5 years. The last thing he wants is for Alabama to get a competent coach. The conspiracy: Tuberville's agent, Jimmy Sexton, also represents Saban. Tuberville may have offered Sexton a bigger percentage to disuade Saban from taking the Bama job.

3. This isn't really a conspiracy but more of a curiosity. Why didn't UAB even consider Hoover coach Rush Propst for the job? For a struggling program like UAB, a shot of excitement from a proven winner like Propst would be great. He could draw some of the Hoover players to UAB. For some reason, UAB wouldn't even talk to him. If I were Propst, I'd stay at Hoover. He has better coaches offices, better player facilities, better stadium, better everything except salary. Of course 350K a year is a powerful lure compared to the 60K he makes at Hoover.

Consider this an open thread to discuss football situations and state sports in general.

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