Monday, December 18, 2006


If the State is going to be in the business of executing citizens who've commited crimes which carry the death penalty, certainly they should be competent at killing them. Oddly, they keep getting more and more complex with the methods of execution.

The complexity started with the electric chair. There were like 10 things that could go wrong and people thought it was too barbaric--they had a point.

Then came the gas chamber. From a remote position, you have to mechanically lower a pouch of cyanide chunks into a bath of sulfuric acid...the reaction produced cyanide gas which killed almost immediately...but the visual of the condemned prisoner trying to hold his last breath was ghoulish.

Now we have the idiotic lethal injection method. This way of execution is susceptible to human error more than any. When you miss the vein, you cant' even see that you've missed it.

I say the states should return to the more simple, tried and true methods of execution: hanging, firing squad, and maybe guillotine. I mean how can you mess up a good old fashioned hanging? All you need is a rope and gallows. It has stood the test of time. Or we could use the firing squad. (Gary Gilmore chose the firing squad back in 76) 5 guys, proven competent with a gun, at close range cannot miss the big red heart on the white smock covering the prisoner. Finally, the guillotine proved it's usefullness and reliable servicability during the French revolution. If it's good enough for French royalty, it's good enough for our hardened capital criminals.

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