Monday, December 18, 2006

Evolutionary fact: those unfit for survival...don't survive

If you don't know any better than this, I don't know what to say...

SEATTLE (AP) - About 100 people have been poisoned by carbon monoxide produced by generators and charcoal grills used for warmth and light during the widespread power outages caused by a major storm in western Washington state.
One man died of inhaling the colorless, odorless gas. At least six other people were treated for carbon monoxide poisoning in Oregon.
"We're dealing with a carbon-monoxide epidemic in western Washington," said Dr. Neil Hampson of Virginia Mason Medical Center, which treated more than 55 people in its hyperbaric chamber, where pressure is used to force oxygen into the blood.
"This has the potential to be the worst case of carbon-monoxide poisoning in the country," Hampson said.

Carbon-monoxide epidemic? How about calling it what it is--a stupidity epidemic.

How can a person have survived to adulthood unharmed when they think lighting a charcoal inside the house is an acceptable source of warmth? You'd think they would have managed to kill themselves by some other stupid means by now. These stories never cease to amaze me, and I hear them every year.

"But Ed", you ignorantly whine, "these are poor, uneducated people who have never been taught about the dangers of carbon monoxide. It's not their fault for poisoning themselves and their families. It's society's fault for not educating them, for not fixing their heat source fast enough, and for not providing for their basic living needs."

Silly liberal reader, if your family were freezing with no promise of a quick heat return, would you not take them to a shelter, or a hotel, or somewhere with generators, outside? Regardless of his level of poverty or education, even the dumbest American should know not to build a fire in his house that is not in the fireplace.


  1. Or to just provide a minimum amount of fresh air (crack a window and let the exhaust exhaust,

  2. It's as if these people's brains are already moving slowly, even before the CO2 kicks in.
