Monday, December 18, 2006

UAB's gain is Georgia's gain

I just heard that UAB hired Georgia's offensive coordinator Neil Calloway as head coach. As a Georgia fan, that's great! Georgia's offense is boring and uncreative. We have like six offensive plays and Richt insists on sticking to the game plan regardless of effectiveness or the score...see the Kentucky and Vandy games from this year for proof. Now maybe we can hire somebody who will bring some creativity, flexibility, and excitement to the offense.

For my Bama readers: It must be sort of embarassing that UAB, a third-rate football program with third-rate facilities, second-rate fans, and no stadium can replace a coach within a week of losing one, and nobody wants the Bama job...OUCH!


  1. UGA should immediately fly and hire Jimbo Fisher. If not they will be looking to hire him in a few years as a head coach from Fla. St.

  2. Georgia needs somebody with some creativity for OC.
