Monday, December 18, 2006

Good Deeds

I first heard of this amazing story about 3 weeks ago. The man that owns this company has donated these wreaths for portions of Arlington cemetary for the last few years. This picture gives all of us an idea of the magnitude of placing 5000 free wreaths at each tombstone in the area.
This man is not a veteran, he is just a good Americam wanting to remember fallen soldiers that have died for the freedoms of our country. He has done this quietly and without any fanfare - it is just his way of saying thanks to our servicemen amd women for doing their job.
I look at this kind act of servitude and compare it to the antics of Cindy Shehan, whose protests seem to bring about all that is bad in this country. I don't know if her son is buried at Arlington, but if he is, and his body is entombed in one of the previously decorated areas, then he received the tribute as well. The liberal media plasters all kinds of negative press at us daily, and we are rarely exposed to acts of kindness at all, but it is nice to know that good people still do good and unselfish things.
It is time that the regular folks stand up and thank OUR military for the job they have done - whether we agree with the fight or not, these people don't get to pick, they just have to do their job, so at least pat them on the back and say thanks.
I close with a quick story:
My 12 year old son and I were sitting at the Auburn-Georgia game this fall. In the row in front of us and about 5 seats over, was a young man who had spent the last 2 years in Iraq (as a Marine). His tour was up, he had come home to marry ( they were on their honeymoon) and set up housing before he was reshipped back over for a final 6 months tour. He had received tickets through a friend, because he had never seen a college football game -live. If you remember, the day was ominous, with a guarrantee of rain. As the drops started to slowly spurt out of the sky most folks donned their rain jackets and ponchos. The young Marine and his wife sat there without any protective gear. An uneselfish act of kindness and patriotism happened. The 50 year old man whose seats are next to mine, instead of adorning his poncho, took his and his son's and handed them to the Marine. His statement was something like this," you have fought to protect this country, this is least I can do to repay you for your service". I felt a tear well up in the corner of my eye as I watched this unfold. My throat got tight, and I knew that I had seen an amazing thing. More importantly my son had witnessed this as well. A random act of kindness - 2 men who had or would never see each other again, yet 1 was compelled to show love to the other. Kinda makes Cindy a little more patheteic doesn't it.
By the way, if you can find it, the USA today did a front page story on "THE WREATH GUY". Read the poem. Reflect on all the good and great things about our country. Try to find the time in your life to show kindness. Maybe one person at a time we can start to change this country back to the country it used to and should be. Merry Christmas to all.

1 comment:

  1. Nice post Reid. I read about this guy over the weekend. People like him, who do nice things for others without the expectation or desire for recognition for it, who touch the hearts of others, and inspire them to do nice things, and so on.

    The sure sign of insincerity of motive, whether in protest or charity, is the obvious desire for notoriety and attention for one's moonbat Cindy Sheehan.
