Wednesday, December 27, 2006

Location, location,...oh, and famous murders

They always say nothing increases the value of a home like a celebrity dying there under suspicious circumstances. Well, the next best thing is to have this countries most infamous murder in the last 30 years take place there...

FRESNO, Calif. (AP) -- The house on a quiet, tree-lined Modesto street where police believe Scott Peterson killed his pregnant wife, Laci, is being sold again for nearly $350,000, a real estate agent said Wednesday.
A couple that wants to stay anonymous are working with real estate agents to close on the three-bedroom, two-bath home where the Petersons lived until Laci Peterson was killed in 2002.
I don't think I could live in a house knowing that a girl and her baby were murdered there. I would always be looking around wondering, "Did it happen over there in that corner?" or "I wonder if he used that hose to wash up after murdering her." I think I would become, in spite of not wanting to, obsessed with finding some evidence of the murder...a blood stain, drag marks, suspicious substances in the garage. Every knick in a door frame, every pulled carpet fiber, every smear on a window would become suspicious to me as possible evidence of something.
How do you live in a place where something so terrible happened so recently without it entering your every thought when you're there?


  1. Oh I think you would live there, gloss the place up, write a book about your wifes struggles with the ghosts in the house , make a million on the book and another million on the abrupt resale of the house as you and your family cannot live there any longer, and luckily some crazed deranged California idiot would be there to snap it up from you.

  2. Spoken like a true opportunist.

  3. I just wonder what kind of "phile" would buy this house.
