Friday, December 29, 2006

Saddam to do the air dance

Now this is what I call the swift carriage of justice...
BAGHDAD (Reuters) - Senior Iraqi officials on Friday dismissed suggestions from Washington that they would hang this weekend and said some in cabinet were pushing for the execution to be put off for a month or more.
But Shi'ite Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki, who has called for the ousted president put to death this year for killing and oppressing Shi'ites, said there would be "no review or delay" in the sentence following this week's failure of Saddam's appeal.
And a defense lawyer said he thought Saddam might well die on Saturday after lawyers were told to collect his belongings.
They're supposed to videotape every aspect of this process, from the turn-over, his perp-walk to the gallows, and finally the execution itself. I doubt it will be televised internationally, but within 5 minutes of the event it'll be on YouTube for all to see.

UPDATE: Saddam did indeed do the air-dance. The media in this country, in the interest of taste, good form, and their saddness at his passing, chose not to show the whole thing. You can find the whole clip all over the web if you want to watch it. Some guy recorded it on his cell phone so it's not very high quality and you don't actually see him dancing at the end of the rope but you see him fall through the trap door and the rope snap taught. Kind of a train don't want to see the carnage but for some reason you cannot look away.

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