Wednesday, December 27, 2006


Gerald Ford is no longer with us. I mourn his passing. Gerald is only remembered as the non-elected president. His life is swept under the carpet without review. This man served 48 months in the armed services and only received 10 medals while in action. He was elected numerous times to a seat in Congress, and was then selected by Nixon as his running mate. He was greatly troubled by Nixon's lying, and only came to pardon him later, for the country. Historians are now starting to review the campaign between Ford and Carter, and are discovering that the outcome might have been different if Ford had a little more time. He was coming on strong in the polls at the end. He was a fine man and we should all take a moment today to thank him for his service to our country. As President all he did was restore honor to the White House and deal with the ending of the Vietnam War- which regardless of side chosen was an ugly task. Hopefully as time goes on, he will be graded higher and higher as one of our leaders. A classy guy with a true love for the country. What else could we ask for out of a President - at least he didn't embarrass the country.


  1. I agree with Reid. By pardoning Nixon, Ford saved America from having to endure 2-4 years of hearings and prosecutions. He did the right thing. That Jimmy Carter, the worst President of the last hundred years, got elected is more a testament to the nation's weariness of Watergate than his popularity with the voters.

    Historians will place Gerald Ford in his rightful place as one of the best Presidents of the 21st Century.

  2. This guy looked like a bumblimg idiot at the golf outings, etc. but from all I can see he was a pretty smart cookie. I concur w/ Ed and Reid. Into the night we send you, oh great soldier.

  3. Ford once said of his golf game, "I know I'm getting better because I'm hitting fewer spectators."

    You have to like a guy who makes fun of his own golf game.

  4. He also kept his johnson in its place. There is something to be said for that as well (Kennedy(s), Clinton, etc.

  5. Funny, how the most unfaithful Presidents in the last 50 years were Democrats.

    Jimmy Carter was a Democrat and faithful to Lilian but gimme a break...there weren't exactly many interns throwing themselves at him, or as in the case of JFK, Hollywood starlets making themselves available to him.

  6. Is that funny (irony)or just apt?
    From the liberal perspective

  7. Funny, as in curious or interesting.

    used in a sentence: "Funny how Hillary claims to be the champion of women's issues, yet she was the biggest enabler of Bill's humiliation of her and their "marriage", looking the other way while he repeatedly cheated on her, all to advance her political ambitions.
