Tuesday, September 12, 2006

Take me to your leader

Reports of UFO's crack me up...

SEATTLE – Around 7:30 p.m. Monday, KING 5 News' phones started to ring as viewers reported seeing a ball of flames shooting across the skies of Western Washington.

KING 5 News contacted the Air Force, FAA, National Weather Service and other local authorities, but could not immediately find an explanation for what streaked across the sky and what was caught on tape.

By process of elimination, this thing is probably not a meteor/comet or other re-entry object burning up as it enters Earth's atmosphere, since it made left turn (clearly visible in the picture). I haven't seen too many weather/observation balloons with fiery tails moving with high velocity so it's probably not that. We know that the space shuttle remains docked with the ISS and guys are EVAing so it's probably not another shuttle disaster. I keep an eye on Jane's Defense Weekly and they've said nothing about experimental Air Force craft being tested...besides, they test those things at night at Edwards AFB, not in the Pacific Northwest.

There remains only one explanation for the mysterious light streaking across the evening skies...the Mother Ship has come to take Cindy Sheehan home to whatever planet she's from.


  1. Shame on you Ed!! You didn't last 24 hours before using a "Cindy-Spot" in an oterwise non-newsworthy story. Failure on your attempt to limit these comments to 1 per 30 days. Good luck in your next 30 day trial - I'll be watcching and seeing if you can avoid falling to temptation. This is the devil working on you, and I begin to wonder if you are not just overwhelmed by her plainess and have fallen in love with the whine box.

    I hope that this sighting was some spacecraft coming here to take humans back. I offer the following list of eartlings that could be used to alter life on other planets.

    Tom Cruise - entertainment division
    Jung il and Hugo Chavez- tyranny division
    Mis England - Chid bearing group/ Muslim religous founder on planet. I could have selected a Christian women, but wanted to let the Muslims have that planet for themselves. I still bet terrorism starts soon there.
    Cedric By the way where has he been lately? lunatic fringe division
    Hillary please take her By the way she is as is with a no return policy.
    Chocolate Ray - whinig division
    Mike Shula - sports division Every planet needs a stupid coach to yell at.

  2. Joe, I knew I would hear from you today.

    But c'mon, a UFO story has to be linked with CindyS. That joke practically wrote itself.

    OK, the self-imposed, 30-day, Cindy Sheehan ban starts........NOW!

  3. Acepted and forgiven,at least you hit the softball tossed at you.

  4. This photograph depicts an energized (burning) Tungsten filament from a common incandescent lamp (That's a light "bulb" for you magnetic "Support our Troops" sport'in Americans.) I saw this on Mythbusters last week.

  5. So it's a reflection, and the camera is moving to create the illusion of a flying light?

    I love those mythbuster guys.
