Monday, September 11, 2006

Feckless dunderhead

Lincoln Chafee is dumber than a sack of doorknobs and he must go...
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - A U.S. Senate committee scrubbed its planned vote on Thursday on keeping John Bolton as ambassador to the United Nations, as a key Republican remained undecided on the nomination by President George W. Bush.

Rhode Island Republican Sen. Lincoln Chafee, the only Republican who has not publicly committed to supporting Bolton, sought more time, members of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee said. Chafee, locked in a tough re-election bid, faces a Republican primary election on Tuesday.

Bolton's opponents also say his harsh criticisms of the United Nations make him unsuitable for the job.

Bolton's harsh criticism of the UN is precisely the reason he's perfect for the job. The treachery of Democrats(and RINO's) who worship at the global UN alter knows no bounds. I hope Chafee loses badly in his primary election tomorrow. America needs a bull-in-a-china-shop ambassador to the UN like John Bolton. He's our only means of protecting our interests from an extremely hostile and corrupt international body. That a Republican senator would delay Bolton's nomination to the Senate floor for a vote in order to curry favor with liberal hometown voters is traitorous and derelict in his duty. Liberals aren't going to vote for him on the basis of the Bolton issue, and conservatives who voted for him will be incensed that he abandoned the principles for which they cast votes for him.

What a faithless idiot!

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