Tuesday, September 12, 2006

It's simple economics, stupid!

I've said it before and I'll say it again now, the price of gas domestically is a simple function of global supply and demand economics.

Motorists are seeing the sharpest decline in gasoline prices in nearly a year.(CAMARILLO, Calif.-AP) August 28 -- According to the Lundberg Survey, prices dropped an average of 15 cents a gallon in the past two weeks. Analyst Trilby Lundberg credits the price drop to abundant gasoline supplies and lower demand.

Post Katrina, when gas prices were rising faster than hemlines in the 60's, democrats pretended to be indignantly cross with "big oil" for unfairly reaping record profits. Now that prices are falling, where are the hysterical democrats to praise oil companies for their willingness to lose money? Deceitful democrats knew perfectly well that oil companies didn't set the market price of gasoline, yet they relied on voter ignorance and apathy so they could demonize yet another successful American industry to try to convince gullible Americans that they[democrats] were trying to help out the little guy. Oil companies don't control the price of crude oil any more than chickens control the price of eggs. Democrats intentionally deceive Americans every day into believing that all corporations are inherently evil, despite the fact the each of them is heavily invested in corporations, and from whom they reap huge personal profits.

You see the whole goal for democrats is to use every opportunity, every issue, every one of life's problems you face to get you, the American voter, to mistrust business and industry and to rely instead on big government(ie, democrats) to solve all of life's problems. Who creates the most jobs, wealth, and prosperity in the world...governments? Of course not. Business and industry do those things amazingly well and efficiently. Contrary to Democrats' guileful, self-serving rants, government never created any wealth for anybody...it only gives them just enough of other people's money to keep them from relying on themselves, and therefore beholden to democrats come election time.

Democrats cannot be relied on for anything except to do that which serves their political interests that day. When gas prices are falling, the oil companies don't make good targets for self-righteous, finger-pointing democrats. If prices return to higher levels, look for the democrats to weep and wail about how regular Americans are getting shafted by Big Oil and how government should step in and regulate gas prices on behalf of the little guy. When that happens, think back to the 70's when the disastrous Jimmy Carter regulated prices and the country almost crumbled from the shortages it created. Democrats crave political power and they will employ any means to trick you into giving it to them. Don't let them get away with it.


  1. What, no gasoline lines? Why is it consumers only flock to the pumps when prices are high? Seems backwards to me. Judging by the photograph there's no waiting at this station. Go figure.

  2. Good point D. Must be mob mentality that drives herds of people to grab what they can before it gets even more expensive.

    There won't be any lines as long the government stays out of the supply and demand game.
