Wednesday, September 13, 2006

Rage against the government machine!!!

Obviously, readers of TRR are highly intelligent, sophisticated, and educated, and don't need to be reminded about the absolute necessity of kids being educated. That being said...

Who doesn't know that you absolutely have to finish high school, at the very least, if you want to have any chance at all of providing for yourself and a family? Shockingly, there remain people in America who don't believe it. Here are some easy to understand statistics that illustrate 1. just why it is imperative that your child finish HS and 2. that the American public education system is atrocious...

WASHINGTON - Dropping out of high school has its costs around the globe, but nowhere steeper than in the United States.

Adults who don't finish high school in the U.S. earn 65 percent of what people who have high school degrees make, according to a new report comparing industrialized nations. No other country had such a severe income gap. 65%---that statistic alone should convince the unconvinced to make their kids finish school. But there's more...

Adults without a high school diploma typically make about 80 percent of the salaries earned by high school graduates in nations across Asia, Europe and elsewhere. Countries such as Finland, Belgium, Germany and Sweden have the smallest gaps in earnings between dropouts and graduates. That's because those listed are quasi-socialist, or outright socialist, countries. Socialism, as opposed to capitalism, doesn't reward hard work, achievement, determination, and self-motivation. Instead it rewards laziness, unproductivity, dependence, and loafing. Those countries punish the achievers through extremely high taxation and they give the money to the non-achievers because it makes them feel good about themselves to do so. Where's the motivation in Sweden to achieve and earn if the government is only going to take it away and give it to your degenerate, loafing neighbor and you both end up with the same lifestyles?

The new report says 44 percent of adults without high school degrees in the United States have low incomes that is, they make half of the country's median income or less.

The disparity is more pronounced in the United States, Ischinger said, partly because the U.S. labor market is more flexible. Other nations protect people with weak education qualifications through regulations or tax systems that favor the low skilled, she said.

On the other end of the spectrum, however, the United States more richly rewards those who go to college.
An adult with a university degree in the U.S. earns, on average, 72 percent more than someone with a high school degree. That's a much bigger difference than in most countries.
That's because capitalism rewards achievement, hard work, and it should.

And here's the big stat that tells you the problem with American public education...
When it comes to money, the nation remains a big spender.
From elementary school through college, the United States spends an average of $12,023 per student. That's higher than in all countries in the comparison except for Switzerland.

We spend more than anybody, yet by the time our kids reach high school they are performing academically toward the bottom of the scale. What does that tell you? It tells you that spending money doesn't educate. Of course the teachers unions will whine that it's evidence that we're not spending enough, but look at every other country in the world. They have huge classes, fewer teachers, by far fewer administration personnel, and much smaller budgets.

They educate where we indoctrinate. They teach the fundamental subjects like hard math, classic language, and history while our kids are having their self-esteem massaged, are made to regurgitate wacky environmental dogma, and are being programmed to look to their loving, paternal government for the solutions to all of societies ills.

No wonder home schooling is so popular and why those kids perform above all but the smartest public school attendees. Parents have control over the curriculae whereas in government schools, insidious, overpaid bureaucrats can infuse useless, big-government, liberal dogma into your child's studies.


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