Monday, September 18, 2006

business before blogging

I was out of town the last three days of last week without access to a computer and didn't get a chance to post this weekend (too many home projects) so as soon as I catch up with the news, I'll post my analysis and remind you how horrible the Democrats are and how soullessly craven liberals are in general.

Until then, consider this an open thread and comment on any topic you like.


  1. I am tired of the endless automobile ads. They have begun touting gas mileages figures again. Laughable! Watch, when the mileage rating is painfully low they’ll quote the “range” of the vehicle on a tankful. I’m afraid there are some stupid people who will look at the figure 420 miles per tank and say wow. Ford and GM are struggling and for good reason.

  2. Tired I am also of the medicine ads and commercials. If they aren’t telling you how to burn gasoline with a smile and a low f-ing monthly lease payment then they are telling you how a pill, cream, or suppository will cure, slim, or otherwise improve your body and health. What a load of crap. If people just walked to the mailbox instead of driving they could kill two birds with one capsule, tabsul, caplet or whatever the heck they have been ingesting.

    Look around at the next cross walk at the ripe consumers of the next miracle potion. And while we're at it a "muffin-top" is a derogatory term. Please hide 'em if you've got one. Thanks.

  3. “The beauty of doing nothing is that you can do it perfectly. Only when you do something is it almost impossible to do it without mistakes. Therefore people who are contributing nothing to society except their constant criticisms can feel both intellectually and morally superior.” Thomas Sowell

    I tell my kids: Some people make things happen, some watch things happen, the rest wonder what happened. There is a time for all three but don't dwell in the latter category.

  4. I'd like to say I'm enjoying this soliloquy but I'd be arguing with myself.

    Ed, I'm trying to incite someone to populate your blog. I feel guilty for not being able to stand-in for you last week.

  5. Not to worry D. There's been a dearth of quality, take-worthy news the last few days anyway. I'll probably have to weigh in on the whole to-torture-or-not-to-torture thing at some point, but right now everybody's position is just political posturing driven by polling outcomes.

    I am convinced that if they needed the information, the politicians would be in favor of torture, but to be against it right now makes them feel good about themselves and appear to be compasionate, high-roaders.

    Other than the Anna Nicole Smith thing in Burmuda, there's just not much interesting going on right now other than the torture issue which is idiotic the way the definition is being parsed by everybody.

    In the mean time, I'm enjoying your exercise in free association.

  6. We should treat ANNA N Smith and the other celebrities as Voldemort - we cannot (should not)even mention their name. Doing so perpetuates their stupid decisions/actions and miserable lives as news.

  7. What is a muffin-top? I thought it was a Seinfeld reference about the top of a muffin being the best part to eat and the "stump" being the throw away part.

  8. Here's something that irritates me...people with six toes.

    When I was a kid, I saw somebody with six toes and it freaked me I had seen an alien. To this day I'm a compulsive toe-counter.

    If you've got six toes, consider the feelings of others and throw away the sandals.

  9. Muffin top - product of a combination of low-riding pants, a short shirt revealing a flabby love handle circumscribing the midriff. The flesh covering this resembles the shoulder of the muffin top on the baked good. While tasty the baked delight could help produce the obscene fleshy offspring.

    Throw in a tattoo esp. on the lower back and you've got the makings of pure white trash. For the creme de la creme shove a cigarette in the lass's mouth and have her drive a Camaro or Firebird.

  10. David, you just described my prom date...good times!

  11. Speaking of proms, I'm faced with a 25th H.S. reunion. I'm thinking of going stag with a head full of wild stories to account for my whereabouts for the last quarter century. Any ideas?

    Hopefully the only muffin top I'll experience will be on the breakfast buffet.

  12. Spin one about a long-haired, drug-induced odyssey of self discovery and enlightenment in SanFran.

    That'll contrast nicely with the present day conservatism.

    It might be a stretch though. I know you and I cannot imagine you in a hemp shirt and Berkinstocks.
