Wednesday, September 06, 2006

Newt's got a plan?

I know this is sort of a long article to read but it's well worth it. Newt Gingrich has a plan of 11 things Republicans should do to re-win the American people back to conservatism. Check it out...

I know Newt is considering a run for President and whether you would vote for him or not, he's clearly one of the smartest men in Washington. He's got some personal baggage that would probably squelch a serious bid for the big house but then again, since when did we Americans care about honesty, integrity, morals, fidelity, or class in our national command authority...we voted for Bill Clinton....TWICE!!!

Seriously, this is a sure-fire plan to win back the confidence of the American people if only the Republicans in Washington had the guts to push for these things in an election year.

1 comment:

  1. A pretty good vision but Newt omitted the "how to" section. Maybe he's saving it for his Presidential bid. Smart man though and I always enjoy listening to him.
