Tuesday, September 05, 2006


For how long do you suppose these nut-jobs will keep this up over those stupid cartoons?

Cleric calls for Danish newspaper’s closure
Sunni leader wants editor that published Mohammad cartoons jailed

COPENHAGEN - Egypt’s top Sunni Muslim cleric on Friday called for the editor of Jyllands-Posten, the Danish daily that published cartoons of the Prophet Mohammad, to be imprisoned and for his newspaper to be closed down.
The cartoons were first published in Jyllands-Posten last September and then reprinted by other media in Europe and the United States after Muslim protests began early this year.

“The satirical drawings of the Prophet Mohammad are one of the most serious crimes ever committed. The editor should be imprisoned for one, two or three years,” Grand Sheikh Mohamed Sayed Tantawi told Danish newspaper Berlingske in an interview.

I think the crazy, whining sheikhs in Denmark have worn just about all the tread off this story that they can. Seriously, has the country of Denmark been so hospitable and welcoming to these wacky zealots that this 9 month old cartoon controversy still riles them up? You would think they could complain about not enough jobs for disenfranchized and unassimilated Muslim yutes, or improper Muslim dietary offerings in the public school system, or at least something new and ridicule-worthy like how the white, harlot women of Copenhagen tempt and taunt reverent Muslim men by not properly covering their exposed skin with appropriate Islamic attire.

My question is why would conservative Muslims immigrate to socially liberal scandinavian countries in the first place?

It's almost as if they are looking for ways to be offended by their non-Muslim hosts...Hmmmm.


  1. Careful Reid or you'll incur the wrath of mighty Islam and have your head cleaved off for your blasphemy.

    It's too late for me...save yourself!

  2. I think he found this picture in one of those Highlights books at the dentist office.
