Wednesday, September 06, 2006

Next on Pay-per-View...

In a New York minute...I would pay cash money to watch this...

Iran's President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad repeating his previous remark that "those who reject debate fear their nation's intellect and rationalism", emphasized here on Wednesday, "We are ready for a debate with the Americans at UN General Assembly." According to the Presidential Office Media Department, Ahmadinejad made the comments at Wednesday session of his cabinet, further reiterating, "The American side can even take part in the debate side by side with his advisors, and as a full team, if they wish so." Referring to his upcoming US visit to take part at the United Nations General Assembly meeting in New York, The IRI President considered that occasion as a good opportunity for holding a debate, with his US counterpart, so that "the entire world nations, particularly the Americans would, directly and without any censorship watch it."

Of course I know that this will never happen, nor should it. President Bush debating a raving, Islamofascist lunatic in front of the hostile UN would be a no-win, unmitigated disaster for Bush but what a spectacle it would be!

Debating terrorists is not much different than negotiating with them. It would give him legitimacy. Of course, the nuclear weapon they will soon have gives him a certain degree of legitimacy too, in the sense that he would then have to be taken much more seriously.

When Hugo Chavez and Mahmoud Ahmadinejad address the UN General Assembly, to huge applause no doubt, would somebody please convince me why we host this idiotic, utterly corrupt, and freedom-hating institution which has never accomplished one single thing of importance internationally.

I wish for just once an American politician would stand up and call a spade a spade when it comes to the useless UN. Sadly our politicians have bought into the whole PC, global community nonsense. For that reason we'll have to endure our main stream media fawning all over these two despots as if they were Hollywood celebrities. The liberal's embracing of foreign leaders who very publically hate America sickens me...and I will not watch or support it.

1 comment:

  1. I have uncovered a plot. A source close to president Carter has discovered a fanatical group of south Georgian's (known as the BILLYBEERCLUB) That have set in motion a terrosist act, so far reaching that all the world will stand and take notice.

    These brave men will risk life and limb to infiltrate the UN metings later this month. Their goal is to disrupt the meetings when Ahmadinejad and Chavez are speaking, by depositing gallos of beer laden urine on the assembly.
    They figure the group isn't worth more than piss any way, so why waste good beer money.
