Thursday, August 10, 2006

TheRightRant: You cannot defeat an enemy you are unwilling to name...

I posted this back in July, and it fits perfectly for the attempted UK plane terrorism that was foiled today. The comments are as poignant today as they were then.

TheRightRant: You cannot defeat an enemy you are unwilling to name...

The fact that there is a pattern of behavior with these jihadists proves that we are dealing with a much larger issue than simple criminal behavior.


  1. Finally! President Bush uttered the words: Islamic facists and war, in the same sentence! It only took 27 years - assuming the Iranian hostage "crisis" as the classical beginning of the "global war on terrorism" (GWOT). The crisis was more in how it was handled but we all know that...or should.

    What a stupid name: GWOT. A war against "terrorism" - a method, a technique? WTFO? I've never liked it and will eschew further usage preferring the more accurate term: World War IV. No GWOT is PC Barbara Streisand, thank you very little.

  2. You are correct sir!

    Calling it a war on terror is childishly like saying "I hate green" rather than "I hate vegetables", for fear of hurting the feelings of carrots and squash.

    Peace-loving Muslims have nothing to resent or fear if the West declares war on Global Islamo-Fascism, as long as they stand up and take sides...something they have been unwilling for the most part to do.

    When Pat Robertson, Jerry Falwell, or Orel Roberts say something stupid as Christians, other Christians are the first ones to disavow their idiocy. Muslims who bear no ill will toward the West should be the first to disavow these terrorist tactics of the purveyors of the RoP. It's telling that they are silent.

    When the next 9/11 happens, names will have been taken and those who sided with the terrorists, by their silence, I fear will have done so at their peril.
