Thursday, August 10, 2006

The Religion of Peace strikes again......almost

Chalk up another one for the good guys...

LONDON - British authorities said Thursday they had thwarted a terrorist plot to simultaneously blow up several aircraft heading to the U.S. using explosives smuggled in hand luggage, averting what police described as “mass murder on an unimaginable scale.” Meantime, a U.S. counterterrorism official called the plot "the real deal."

And here's a breakdown of the plot....scary!

More from a counterterrorism official familiar with the plan to blow up several aircraft heading to the U.S.:
— The plan called for the flights to be blown up in-flight almost simultaneously, close enough so that flight controllers would not be able to ground planes, and far enough out in the Atlantic so that pilots would have no place to land.
— The plan was to have the attacks carried out near the 9/11 anniversary, but apparently no specific date had been set for the attacks.
— The attacks were planned for "up to 10 flights" on four airlines: Continental, United, American, and British Airways.
— The loss of life was planned to be "comparable to the death toll of 9/11,” meaning close to 3,000 dead.
— The attack was planned as a suicide mission.
— The official said that there is "very good reason to believe that this is al-Qaida.”

—Robert Windrem, NBC News Investigative Producer

I was shocked, shocked to learn that al-Qaeda, or al-Qaeda sympathasizers were the perps. It sounds like the same type of Brithsh-born, unassimilated, Muslim youths who bombed the London tunnels last year, but you won't hear that in very many places today as you watch the main stream media's biased coverage of the news. They will go to great lengths to hide from you, that these poor, misguided, young men were in fact radical Islamists. See how far you have to dig in the MSM today to find a story stating the fact that all the major terrorist attacks in the last 10 years share a common thread....the perps were Muslim!

People, this is World War III whether you choose to acknowledge it or not, and the appeasers on the American and European left as well as the otherwise peaceful Muslims who sit on their hands and say nothing when these things happen will have a lot to answer for when it hits the fan sooner or later.


  1. Maybe WWIV as we have to account for the Cold War. It's time to admit this and get out the Rosie the Riveter posters, etc. It's time for the American people to engage and one way for them to wake up is to involve them in the effort. I enjoy our relative (naive) peace here at home as well as the next guy but until we admit we are in a World War we will never win because we will never engage as a country.

    The threat of shock and awe is one thing but what we need is shock and awe AND civis Americanus!

  2. Reid,
    What we need is a measured, proportional response only after no less than three rounds of peace talks.

    Hell, the land for peace thing worked so well for the Israeli's maybe we could offer up California. Sorry Arnold.

  3. I think the axiom, "an ounce of prevention is better than a pound of cure" is appropriatly applied to the war on radical Islam. Like David said, we have to decide as a nation, (regardless of what the hate-America, ACLU pukes think) do we want to destroy them now when it significantly painful but doable, or do we want to appease them now, and in 5 years have to drop a nuclear device or two to prevent Armageddon?

    I'm seriously afraid it will take more than one more 9/11 to motivate the peace-at-any-cost liberals in America to sign on to the fact that we are indeed at world war. Maybe not even then.

    I can never in my wildest hallucinations, see Howard Dean, Michael Moore, George Soros, or Ned Lamont pounding their fists and demanding violent, bloodcurdling revenge on the Islamists when they succeed again...and they will succeed at some point.
