Thursday, August 10, 2006

Something to chew on...

I was listening to Glenn Beck during my morning drive today and he had an interesting, albeit improbable, scenario which could develop if this thing between Israel and Hezbollah escalates or lingers too long...

Let's imagine for a minute that Iran has developed or nearly developed a working nuclear device. Let's also imagine, and this is very much in play, that Syria stupidly decides to assist Hezbollah because Hezbollah is still getting their butts kicked a few weeks from now and has retreated into Syria proper. Will Israel stop the hot pursuit of Hezbollah at the border with Syria only to allow them to re-arm and return to Lebanon a year from now to continue the fight?

No, especially if Syria appears to be helping them in any way. Isreal will do what it should do when faced with state-sponsored or State-actual agression; they'll take the fight, in a devestating way, to the enemy's doorstep.

So now Israel is pursuing what's left of Hezbollah into Syria and the Arab world explodes in seething hatred of the Zionist entity being on Arab soil and at America for sitting quitely in Israel's corner. Now the crazy Iranian Ahmadinijad decides to play his card and attacks Israel (Syria has a pitiful military but Iran has a competent and large one), what does the U.S. do?

In the meantime, while Israel fights for her survival, we are mired in Iraq and Afghanistan and militarily can only offer Israel hardware, ammo, and guns as we are spread very thin already.

Now the wild-card: Hugo Chavez, communist dictator of Venezuela, America hater, friend of Cindy Sheehan, and owner of 25% of the world's oil exportation business, decides to turn off the crude spigot. He can afford to do so because he's been stashing money since the price of crude has dramatically risen. The result...

U.S. economic crash!

Look at this scenerio. Is it all that improbable? Iran threatens to eradicate Israel daily. Chavez has voiced his hatred of America. Syria certainly is in no position to be a moderating effect with Iran kicking her in the rear to fight Israel. The only real question is whether Ahmadinijad has the support of the Arab world to attack Israel. Given that they(other Arab countries) sit on their hands and say nothing when terrorists strike the West, or when Hezbollah and Hamas regularly kill innocent civilians, I would say that constitutes implicit approval.

So the price of self-righteous, hand-wringing appeasers in the U.S. feeling good about themselves, is the American way of life.

WAKE UP!!!!!

1 comment:

  1. Wake up indeed!

    It seems the world's reprobates have the U.S. by the short and curlies. If they decide to exercise their options, we could quickly be in a world of hurt economically.
