Wednesday, June 14, 2006


I can't stop laughing at this...

Heavily armed Afghan National Police officers are seen on patrol west of Kandahar on Monday

Seriously, four sockless yokels in the back of a Toyota who look like they're on a beer-run and snipe-hunt after a day at the camel races; and this passes for "heavily armed National Police officers" in Afghanistan?

No wonder the Taliban might find a foothold there again. This picture and caption alone illustrate the precariousness of the government's grip on political control and stability in Afghanistan. It's not a good sign when one's own law-enforcement vehicle can be described as "cute".

That truck must be sitting still because otherwise that guy with his foot on the back right tire would be dragged under the vehicle to die a particularly embarassing death.

"No paradise for you al-Rahib...dying stupidly does not earn one very many virgins"


  1. Seriously. Where's the bling and the rap music?

  2. I realize the standard for the U.S. standing down and leaving those countries is them standing up to take responsibility for their own security both foreign and domestic, but you would think their security patrols could look a tad less like a fraternity joy-ride and more like a disciplined fighting unit. That would seem to me to be the minimum standard for instilling respect in the otherwise violent citizenry...but that's just me.
