Wednesday, June 14, 2006

Snorkeling anyone.....anyone?

I stumbled across this interesting tidbit today...

SOUTH LAKE TAHOE, Calif. (AP) - Officials are looking to capture some of Lake Tahoe's biggest polluters: Canada geese.

A sewage spill at the lake last summer "is nothing compared to what's happening with these geese," said Jack Spencer, a federal Department of Agriculture wildlife biologist.

Spencer said the bottom of Lake Tahoe is covered by up to two inches of goose feces in some areas. A 10-pound Canada goose can produce four pounds of nitrate- and phosphate-rich feces every day it waddles across the beaches, lawns and golf courses of Tahoe.

Well that's a mighty fine conundrum for a wacky environmentalist to consider: nature polluting the crap out of pun intended.

It's not the human picnickers, nor new development construction runoff, nor the farm fertilizer runoff, nor the recreational boat traffic, nor, it appears, even the occasional accidental raw sewage spill that is polluting Lake Tahoe. (These are the usual suspects when anti-development environmentalists get their hemp shorts in a wad over something or other getting polluted) No, it is simply nature herself doing whatever it is that nature does.

Now, it'll be fun watching the petchouli oil and Birkenstocks crowd choosing between a protected species and the protected lake which they inhabit. If they protest rounding up the geese, then they are sacrificing the lake. If they take the side of preserving the lake, they are guilty of disrupting the geese habitat.

Why, what's a smelly-hippie, Gaia-worshiping, enviro-zealot to do?

Who's the villain in this scenario anyway? The geese? They're just doing what Canadian geese do, and humans have no business disrupting them while they do it. We must learn to peacefully coexist with nature without disrupting or spoiling her. The finger-wagging, tree-huggers would tell us exactly that if the geese were destroying a golf course, somebody's back yard, or a Wal-Mart parking lot.

I wonder if just for a second the greenies have stopped to consider the possibility that perhaps Canadian geese have been, how can I say this delicately, "distributing" four pounds of feces each, daily, into North American bodies of water since before Abe Vagoda was born. And it's only recently that people have discovered what's been going on for thousands of years. All that goose poop might just be part of the delicately balanced ecosystem of Lake of life and all that.

I just love when liberals get caught in their own web of radicalism and political correctness.


  1. like your link analyzer. i'll bet the birkenstock crowd will be suspisciously silent on this one.
