Wednesday, June 14, 2006

Once bitten...twice shy...

A survivor of Hurricane Katrina holds a debit card from FEMA outside the Reliant Center in Houston in this Sept. 9, 2005 file photo. The government doled out as much as $1.4 billion in bogus assistance to victims of Hurricanes Katrina and Rita, getting hoodwinked to pay for season football tickets. (AP Photo/David Zalubowski, File)

Just like Boortz said, Katrina and Rita were probably the best things that ever happend to most of these people. The government gave them tons of free money (free to them) no questions asked, they lived in free, air-conditioned motel rooms with maid service, they ate free for months, they received free clothes, medical care, and job placement services for the few who desired it. For those 6-9 months, they lived like kings compared to the lifestyles they made for themselves in N.O...some still are dragging out every last dollar of charity they can from the generous American people.

Now we find out that 1.4 billion with a "B", dollars were stolen from tax-payers by these refugees who, we were told by distrought celebrities and weeping media, were deserving of our pity and our charity.

1.4 billion didn't just go to a few bad apples either, as the MSM will try to lead you to believe. That money was dispersed to hundreds of thousands of lying theives who knew they were stealing from their fellow citizens every time they did it. What did the government expect from people who live their entire lives as parasites on the economy, criminal miscreants, and consumers of other peoples' wealth?

This hurricane season, when the big one hits, sadly I predict, there will be far fewer charitable Americans willing to give of themselves, their homes, and their fortunes to subsidize trips to Hooters, sex-change operations, and booze binges by ingrates who prey on the kindness of others.

It's really pathetic that FEMA allowed the selfless generosity of the American tax-payer to be taken advantage of. It's that generosity that makes America the great country that it is.


  1. Let's not forget that there were actually law abiding, tax paying citizens that also lost everything in the disasters that hit the Gulf Coast. It is a shame that when the next big one hits...and it will...that Americans will be less likely to pay out the big bucks to those in need. But what do those guys who scammed FEMA care. They have been mooching off the system their whole lives. THis was just a gravy train.

  2. Ed,
    I think your photo selection is biased. To be fair, you should have used a photo showing all races. I'm afraid you may need to restore your PC filters, your's don't appear to be working. Careful with that axe, Eugene or they'll lump you in with Ann Coulter.

  3. First, I did not choose that picture because of the race of the person in it. It was the picture that was published with the AP article I referenced.

    Second, no where in any of my takes do I single out one race for ridicule over's behavior that I criticize, regardless of race.

    Third, of course there was a multi-ethnic composition to the recipients of the FEMA debit card, nobody is suggesting differently, but the facts are the facts and a majority of those people in Houston who misused their FEMA cards were minorities. That's not an indictment of minorities any more than saying a majority of soccer hooligans are English, is an indictment of the English.

    Lastly, you will not find any, repeat any, PC filters in this space.

    And for what it's worth, I'll take being lumped in with Ann Coulter as a compliment. Thanks.
