Friday, June 23, 2006

Safer than Ted Kennedy's car...

Did you know that more people have died in cars driven by Ted Kennedy than have died in nuclear power plant accidents in the U.S.?...

TOKYO - Hitachi Ltd. and General Electric have been tapped to build two nuclear reactors in the U.S. in a $5.2 billion project that underlines how soaring oil prices are boosting global interest in nuclear power.

There are 100 nuclear power plants scattered across 31 states, but an order has not been placed for a new reactor since 1973. The United States now gets about 20 percent of its electricity from nuclear reactors.

It's about time we moved foeward on nuclear power development in this country. France, for heaven's sake, is whipping us in nuclear power technology developlment, because they don't pay attention to their smeely-hippie, back-to-nature types who've stymied that industry here. It isn't that the Birkenstocks and granola crowd is afraid of spoiling nature with a meltdown, nor is it that they hate the idea of emissions pollution from the reactors(they don't realize that it's mostly steam). What they hate is any kind of development or industry which advances mankind's standard of living or makes life more comfortable to live. These are the same unemployable degenerates who torch SUV dealerships, burn down housing developments, spike trees so loggers can't cut them down safely, and violently protest anytime or anywhere there's an international economic summit.

They hate the human race as part of their druidical worship of mother nature. Their self-loathing and guilt compels them oppose anything that represents human-based, industrial or economic development. To them, nuclear power represents the ultimate symbol of man's reckless disregard for the environment, so it must be resisted, with violence if necessary.

I applaud President Bush for kick-starting the nuclear power industry in this country after 33 years of slumber. Anything that reduces our dependence on Arab petroleum is OK with me.

In 30 years when we provide for all our own energy needs, what will we care if the radical Muslim countries want to take over the moderate Muslim countries? Let China, India, and what's left of Europe, if they aren't already Muslim by then, deal with the middle east.

The U.S. won't have a strategic dog in that particular fight anymore thanks in part to nuclear power.

1 comment:

  1. Excellent take Reid, the free market has always guided this country in the right direction, and if we can keep the busy-body liberals out of the machinery, it will do so again. American innovation and vision is second to none. With proper economic incentive, i.e. profit motive, we will develop ways to bypass massive mid-east petroleum imports and get back on the path to self sufficiency.

    Go Nuke!!!
