Saturday, June 24, 2006

The greatest sport in the world...

You'll be shocked, shocked I say, to hear that drunken English and German soccer hooligans rioted after a soccer match during preliminary rounds of the World Cup...

STUTTGART (Reuters) - Riot police detained around 200 England soccer supporters on Saturday after they clashed with German fans, throwing bottles and chairs and trading punches in a square in the center of Stuttgart.

Tens of thousands of English and German fans had gathered in the central area, many drinking throughout the day, to watch Germany's 2-0 second-round World Cup win over Sweden on big screen TVs.
England fans were in the city for Sunday's second-round match against Ecuador and trouble broke out shortly after the end of Saturday's German game.
Some 200 fans on both sides threw bottles and chairs before riot police moved into the area to separate them.

These idiots' respective teams weren't even playing each other. It was just one alcohol-crazed throng attacking another alcohol-crazed throng...just for the sake of fighting.

To say that European soccer is a civilized sport is like saying that Islam is the religion of peace.

We don't need riots over soccer in America...we riot over NBA championships, cancelled rap concerts, and hurricanes.

Seriously for a minute, what is it about soccer hooligans that make them have to fight somebody whenever they get drunk. I mean there have always been tiny slivers of the drinking population who get mean and violent when they drink but there are like thousands of's part of their culture. Is it a phenomenon similar to our gang culture here in America?

Whatever it is...these guys are stupid!


  1. I think these soccer hooligans evolved out of sheer game-boredom. If the soccer were only slightly more exciting, they wouldn't feel the need to jazz things up with drunken brawls purely for the sake of brawling while drunk.

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