Friday, June 23, 2006

What resolve and determination...

Saddam ends hunger strike after missing lunch

Ex-Iraqi leader refuses one meal to protest his lawyer's slaying by gunmen

The former Iraqi leader had refused lunch on Thursday in protest at the killing of one of his lawyers by gunmen, but the spokesman said he ate his evening meal.

Former Saddam aides being held in the same prison had refused to eat three meals since Wednesday evening but ended their fast with the ex-president.

“They all took their dinner meal,” the spokesman told Reuters.

Officials didn't seem too worried about Saddam's health during this brief hunger strike since in the past, the homicidal dictator has also threatened to hold his breath until he dies, run away and never come home, and tell if he didn't get his way.


  1. Apparently, Saddam is reading the same instructors manual "Hunger Strikes For Dummies" that Cindy Sheehan is. Someone should tell them, one missed meal does not a hunger strike make.

  2. Hard to make a serious political statement when you're stuffing your face with Cheezy Cheetos and washing it down with Evian...I read somewhere that's Saddam's fav.
