Saturday, June 17, 2006

an ankle bracelet at least...

You don't get to hit cops...

WASHINGTON (AP) - A grand jury declined Friday to indict Rep. Cynthia McKinney in connection with a confrontation in which she admitted hitting a police officer who tried to stop her from entering a House office building.

The encounter began when McKinney, D-Ga., tried to enter a House office building without walking through a metal detector or wearing the lapel pin that identifies members of Congress. McKenna did not recognize her as a member of Congress and asked her three times to stop. When she ignored him, he tried to stop her. McKinney then hit him.

What do you think would have happened if a white, Republican male had hit a cop?

He would have received a nightstick and flashlight beating...and he would have deserved it.

These guys/gals(elected officials) believe their own sense of self importance and are so used to the trappings of power that they truly believe that the law does not apply to them and walk around like everybody in the world knows who they are and should give them due respect.

That reason alone is grounds for term limits in my opinion.


  1. I don't care what race or gender you are... assaulting a police officer, in any way ro form, is inexcusable. I'm tired of these politicians who think they are above the law.

  2. I say kick the no-good bums out of office this least the ones who've exhibited the I'm-here-to-enrich-myself and the-law is-for-the-little-people mentality.

  3. Playing race card politics is exactly like crying wolf. It only hurts those that are actually victims. Seriously, is there anybody who didn't roll their eyes and mutter gimme a break, when they heard Rep. McKinney had punched a cop and then found the nearest camera and democrat-friendly reporter to cry racism to?

    How she keeps getting elected eludes me, but then Ray Nagin and Marion Barry got elected...go figure.
