Monday, June 19, 2006

Can you answer these questions?

Go to this immigration site and see if you can answer these elementary questions about American history and government. I'll bet most high-school graduates cannot make 70% or better. But I'll bet they can name more American Idol contestants than they can name congressmen, senators, and supreme court justices put together...sad!

Let's do a poll. The questions come in groups of five apparently picked at random from a larger sample by a computer. Answer 25 questions and then post your percentage or fraction correct...
OK. I just took the test...out of 25 questions, I answered 25/25. I admit that on 5 of the questions I had to use process of elimination to narrow my guess down to one of two answers and got lucky, but even if I had missed those 5, my percentage would have been 80 or 20/25.

If you didn't pay attention in history class and never watch the national news you probably won't be able to pass (70%). If you make less than 50%, you should probably emmigrate immediately to Mexico where they have jobs from which uneducated Mexicans, who probably know more than you do about America, are trying to escape.

Good luck, Ed


  1. Good question but I suppose any aspiring pilgrims would have learned English before studying our history and would hope that is the case.

    50 correct, not bad. You may immigrate. Your new name will be Jose'...welcome to America!

  2. Ed,
    I scored 80% the first time; I did not know the name of the "naturalization" form. Not to be outdone by the man behind the blog, I took it three more times and earned three 100's. My average is 95%.

    You are correct in stating many Americans (and few immigrants - legal/illegal) would fare as well.

  3. Impressive indeed! Sadly, a piddling few(as a percentage) Americans know even a little of that information about their own country.

    They just don't teach American History any more...probably in part because as liberals, the teachers' union believes that everything bad in world history is the result of some unilaterally empirialistic action of the U.S. and this country deserves only blame and scorn for it's roll in it.

    Pick up any grade-school history text-book and notice how the country is never praised as being responsible for the creation of more wealth than any nation in history, the lifting of more people out of poverty worldwide than any 5 nations combined, the liberation of whole nations from oppression and strife, and the prevention of communism from spreading worldwide.

    That's why young people today don't know how great this country is...because liberals don't want them to know.

  4. I answered 45 out of 50 questions correct. 90%

  5. I only missed 3 questions, that's 94% correct. I am a friend of Kevins. He challenged me and I beat him like he stole something!

  6. Nice job Ben. I'm curious...did you learn all this civics and government information from school classes or do you pay attention to the news and got it that way?

    One of my interests is determining if high-schools are teaching civics/government/history old-school style, or is the curriculum more of an exercise in eco-friendly, America-is-bad, liberalism disguised as American history and government.

    Let me know your thoughts on that if you don't mind.

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