Friday, June 16, 2006

The horror, the horror...

Ahmadinejad of Iran is pretty loony-tunes, and if it weren't for this fruit-cake Kim Jong-Il, he'd be the world's #1 psychotic. I know we're pretty pre-occupied with Iraq and Iran right now but we had better check our "6" and see what North Korea is up to...

WASHINGTON (AP) - North Korea is accelerating preparations for testing a missile that has the potential to strike the United States, a U.S. government official said Friday. A test of the Taepodong-2 long-range missile may be imminent, the official said.

Kim Jong-Il reminds me a little of Colonel Kurtz in Apocalypse in his own alternative reality, having absolute dominion over the lives and deaths of his worshipful subjects, and not really knowing what the outside world is capable of doing to him if he strays too far.

His kookiness aside...if it's true, as Japan claims, that this Taepodong-2 missile is capable of reaching the U.S., and they're testing it, we had better show some intimidating force so he's not tempted to take a shot at our backside, while we're looking toward the middle-east, just to see what happens.

The six-nation talks have broken down for the umpteenth time and who really knows what this crazy idiot is capable of trying? North Korea is a totally closed society and nobody really knows what's going on there except for the occasional threats that come from their high-ranking military officials, which are scary enough.

But more than likely, what is probably the case is he's tired of our not paying him any attention of late and he want's to be the focus of the world's trepidation again. He probably want's some more aid from us to pay him not to develop this new long-range weapon. Bush and Rice will more than likely cave, just like Clinton did in the 90's, and this nut-case will go right on developing whatever weapon he thinks will win for his country the most in aid from America, the next time he employs this extortion racket. He probably is thinking, "Heck, why not extort money from's working for Ahmadinejad?"

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