Friday, April 14, 2006


This guy has totally gone off the deep end!

Renowned medical expert Tom Cruise once again disparaged the use of psychiatric drugs, this time attacking the drugs used to help people kick addiction.

Said Tom,

"I've always found the 'if it makes me feel better, it's OK' rationale a little suspect. “I think it's appalling that people have to live a life of drug addiction when I have personally helped people get off drugs."

During the interview he claimed that he could defeat heroin addiction in three days using the Church of Scientology’s detox program.

It’s took me longer than three days to get over the total and complete waste of the 8 dollars I paid to see “Vanilla Sky”.

What annoys me most about Leftists (and there’s a lot to choose from) is the belief that personal choices don’t play a role in life circumstances. Certainly, people don’t have to live a life of drug addiction…they choose a life of drug addiction. Just once I would like to hear a Hollywood do-gooder acknowledge the role that personal responsibility plays in life outcomes. Ever notice how they always talk about people who have made bad decisions, and are suffering the consequences of those decisions, in the passive? It’s as if these people had nothing whatsoever to do with the situation they’re in. The drugs sought them out and targeted them for a lifetime of addiction.

“Dude, the drugs just took over his life…it’s not his fault.”

Here’s my theory about Scientology: These self-indulgent, aging actors have experimented with just about everything there is searching for fulfillment. Eventually, like everybody else, they get around to trying religion. But regular old Christianity is too mundane, too strict, and way too Republican. So in order to maintain their coolness and liberal “street-cred”, they dabble in strange, cultish, quasi-religions like The Kabala, The Unitarian Church, and Scientology. It will surprise no one that none of these “religions” holds their practitioners to any standards of behavior or accountability…how convenient for the anything-goes lifestyles enjoyed by the idle, rich Hollywood crowd.

How ironic it is that Tom’s “drug of choice” is very precisely an “it makes me feel better” cult/religion.

The weirder Tom gets, the more difficult it becomes for me to suspend my disbelief and enjoy the Mission Impossible movies.

Just shut-up and act already!

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