Friday, April 14, 2006

Shut up and do your job!

This really irks me...

By Jane Sutton
MIAMI (Reuters) - A newly elected councilman in a tiny Florida village has refused to take an oath of office pledging support for the U.S. government because he adamantly opposes the war in Iraq.
Councilman-elect Basil Dalack, 76, a Korean War veteran, won an uncontested election to fill a vacancy on the five-person council of the southeast Florida town of Tequesta
Village Manager Mike Cuozzo said the oath is contained in the city charter, which can only be changed through a voter referendum.
"He has a job to do with the village and we don't need the village to be a platform for national issues," Humpage quoted constituents as saying.

Now, you can't tell me a 76 year old veteran didn't know about the oath of office. Practically every oath of office in America says pretty much the same thing...I promise to uphold the laws, pledge allegiance to the flag and country, and vote regularly on American Idol.

I'll give him a little room because he's a veteran but not much. Good luck to him getting the conservative voters in Tequesta to change the oath.

I believe Americans are getting sick and tired of these baseless attacks on their patriotism.

If it's not the smelly, hippie war protesters, it's the Godless ACLU types. If it's not the MSM drawing moral equivalence between America and terrorist regimes, it's illegal immigrants from Mexico brazenly displaying upside down U.S. flags. If it's not college professors teaching our kids that America is the cause of all evil in the world, it's a local school board telling a kid she can't wear a flag lapel pin because it might offend some kid from another country.

If there's anything that can rescue Republicans in '06 and '08 from their own incompetence, it is the inevitable backlash from the rampant anti-Americanism coming from the Left in this country.

Let's hope it's not too late.

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