Friday, April 14, 2006

Parents of the year!

There’s bad news for what might possibly be the two worst parents in the whole world…

BRITNEY Spears and her husband are being quizzed after their baby son suffered a suspected fractured skull.

Six-month-old Sean smashed his head falling to the ground from his high chair. His injury emerged when Britney, 24, took him to a doctor six days later after he became groggy and tearful

Let’s review a few of Britney’s poor decisions regarding her life, future, and baby…

  1. 1. She demonstrated her casual attitude toward marriage by getting hitched on a dare to some idiot from her childhood. The marriage lasted less than 24 hours.
  2. In what is undoubtedly the worst husband/father choice since Whitney Houston married Bobby Brown, Britney married the biggest pothead, degenerate, looser half-wit that she could find…one Kevin Federline aka, K-Fed.
  3. She actually made a baby with half-wit described in #2.
  4. She operated her vehicle with the infant in her lap.
  5. Finally, as if the baby isn’t going to be stupid enough already with these two idiots as gene donors, they managed to drop it on its head. What follows, qualifies as the most astonishingly bad parenting the world of entertainment has ever seen, and that’s saying something considering Courtney Love has a kid: Britney and K-Fed wait almost a week before getting the injury checked out by a qualified pediatrician. It turns out the kid has a cracked skull….a cracked frickin’ skull!!!
He was already going to be taking the short bus to school by virtue of his gene pool being no deeper than a bird; he’ll also be one of those kids who have to wear a helmet on the playground. He doesn’t have an Ethiopian chicken’s chance of surviving past adolescence with his brain even minimally intact.

How miserably incompetent can two people be? Pathetic!

1 comment:

  1. google mind control slave and you will understand her programming. I feel sorry for her and have concern for the safety of her children.
