Thursday, April 13, 2006

Tastes like chicken!

PRAGUE (Reuters) - A Czech man ate frogs and other small animals for four days after he was trapped on an island cut off by flooding, the daily Pravo reported Wednesday.

Zdenek Bucek, 30, was taking a short-cut through the woods near the southeastern town of Breclav when a flood wave trapped him on a small patch of high ground.

Bucek was not carrying a cell phone and the water was too cold to swim through. To survive, he caught frogs and drank the floodwater until he flagged down an emergency crew passing by on a boat four days later.

"I had no idea a flood was coming. I had not even noticed that the forests were declared off limits," he said.
Pravo said Bucek had matches, but did not elaborate on how he preferred his frogs.

I think after only 4 days, I would still be drinking water from my boot, eating berries and leaves, and holding out for rescue. I suspect that Zdenek had a taste for frogs long before he got stranded.

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