Thursday, April 13, 2006

Hillary's latest...

Hillary claims, preposterously, that the Senate immigration bill would make her a criminal.

First of all, proving once again that they are the Party devoid of ideas, the Democrats continue to obfuscate and demagogue the immigration issue. Here’s the reason, besides their seething hatred of George Bush of course: faced with a dwindling voter base (upwardly mobile blacks, no longer reliable Dem voters, are increasingly recognizing the benefits to them and their families of the tenants of conservatism) the Democrat Party has to find a voting block whom they can take for granted each election the way they’ve been able to rely on the black vote. Having failed to secure for convicted felons the right to vote, the Democrats salivate at the prospect of tens of millions of needy, dependant, uneducated, entitlement-minded Hispanics becoming voters. Soon, the Democrats will probably trot out an amnesty plan that includes mandatory minimum wage and voting status for the guest workers. It only stands to reason, since the Democratic voting base is primarily the uneducated, dependant, entitlement class, that they would court this new demographic as a potential replacement voting base. Of course, if they’re given the right to vote, and only then, the Democrats will shower them with billions in taxpayer-funded giveaways designed to purchase ballot loyalty at election time.

Second, despite Hillary’s shameless demagoguery, the bill is specifically aimed at those who help illegal immigrants cross the border and then offer safe-harbor to them to prevent capture and deportation. It is in no way targets those who offer humanitarian aid such as medical, social, or basic survival assistance.

Lastly, political memory endures only as long as the next election cycle so lest anyone forget, here’s just a partial list of the things that do actually make Hillary a criminal:

  • -Whitewater: HRC and the McDougal’s gypped retirees out of thousands in money and land. Everybody associated with that deal went to jail except Hillary.
  • -Cattle futures: HRC made $100,000 in a few days from a $1000 investment. The odds of making that kind of profit on cattle futures is estimated by brokers to be about 1 chance in 250 million.
  • -FBI file-gate: she had 250 FBI files, curiously of her political adversaries, illegally sent to her office in the Whitehouse. Club bouncer Craig Livingstone was installed as Whitehouse chief of security, presumably because an actual law enforcement officer could not be intimidated into performing such an obviously illegal act.
  • -She claimed that she was named for Sir Edmond Hillary; the man who climbed Mt. Everest. Edmond Hillary was an unknown bee-keeper at the time of Hillary’s birth. I know this is not criminal, but it is criminally stupid when it’s so easily checked. Notice how Liberals try to endear themselves to voters by associating themselves with seminal moments in history. Ex: Hillary claiming to have been named for Sir Edmond Hillary, Bill Clinton, speaking to a black audience, claiming to have witnessed church fires in Arkansas as a child when there were no church burnings on record in Arkansas, and my personal favorite: Bill Clinton (at 9 years old) claiming to have given up his bus seat to a black girl so he could take a stand against racism in Arkansas like Rosa Parks had done the day before in Montgomery. It turns out that all Arkansas schools were still segregated at that time so there couldn’t have been any black children on his school bus.
  • -Johnny Huang: A tangled web of campaign cash, political influence, foreign banks, and the Communist Chinese intelligence service’s acquisition of top-secret satellite technology through illegal intelligence transfers in exchange for money.
  • -Hillary “sold” seats for campaign cash, on the U.S. Department of Trade and Commerce Commission to people over whose businesses the commission had influence.
  • -Travel-gate: Billy Dale and 7 long-time staffers are fired after Hillary dreams up malfeasance and kickback charges. Hillary hires her personal travel agent friend from Arkansas who provided 1 million in fly-now-pay-later campaign trips to the Clintons. Every single charge was thrown out and all 8 defendants were acquitted after only 2 hours of deliberation. Most of them are now in financial ruin because of having to defend against Hillary’s lying treachery.
  • -Castle Grande: Hillary lies for two years about the whereabouts of the subpoenaed Rose law firms billing records which suspiciously turn up in the Whitehouse residence wing having “sat unnoticed on a table” the whole time. Yeah Right!
It’s ironic that Hillary, a criminal by any measure many times over, complains falsely about legislation she says might criminalize her. The bottom line: Hillary and the Democrats will use any imaginary excuse to oppose any bill which denies them the chance to make loyal voters out of the vast underclass of illegal immigrants

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