Thursday, April 13, 2006

Liquid Water on Enceladus

And this exciting news from Drudge: Liquid water reservoirs found on Saturn’s moon, Enceladus

If there was one event that shaped me into the science geek that I am today, it was Neil Armstrong walking on the moon. So count me among the few who think space exploration is still really cool. I realize Enceladus is kind of far from the sun and highly reflective (thus -330 F surface temp), so relative to Mars, it’s of little value other than plain scientific curiosity. That said, the possibility, no matter how remote, that NASA could drop a probe down, scoop up some dirt and find evidence that something once crawled around there, would be awesome.

If vast subterranean bodies of water are found as suspected, Do you think congressional Democrats would voice bug-eyed objections to Dubai World operating the ports there too? Just a thought.

1 comment:

  1. I think that water found on other bodies in our solar system is pretty cool too, and i think that we should investigate this issue further. :)
