Thursday, April 13, 2006

Under the Bus: the story of Russ Feingold

Monday, Democratic Senator Russ Feingold introduced a resolution of censure of President Bush regarding the NSA wiretapping program, indignantly claiming it to be unconstitutional and a violation of American’s civil liberties. Rank and file Senate Democrats roundly supported the bill adding their criticism of the NSA program to Sen. Feingold’s.

This is where it gets good: Bill Frist, Republican Senate Majority Leader basically said, “OK, boys. You obviously like to talk tough, but can you play tough, let’s have a vote right now, today, so you can show the American people how seriously you take national security.”

That weasel Feingold was nowhere to be found in the Senate chamber. It turns out the Democrats didn’t want any part of actually going on the record by voting. They just want to give the fawning media good copy but not actually be on the record as having voted to censure a sitting U.S. President during a time of war. When Frist called their bluff, they (Dems) were happy to throw Feindgold under the proverbial bus so they wouldn’t have to actually (gasp!) take a stand. They backpedaled like circus clowns. One Frist staffer laughed, “He pushed them to the mat today and they blinked. He dared them to vote, and Democrat Leader Harry Reid looked like he was going to be sick as he said ‘No”.

I love hardball politics!

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