Thursday, April 13, 2006

Negative perception of Islam Increasing

Let’s begin with this groundbreaking news flash from the Washington Post: “Negative Perception of Islam Increasing”

No kidding? Talk about stating the obvious! Why not run this story too…

“Apathy About John Kerry’s ’08 Presidential Bid Increasing” or
“Failure Rate of Ted Kennedy’s Field Sobriety Tests Increasing” or
“Hostility Toward Hollywood for Cramming Gay Cowboy Movies Down America’s Throat Increasing”?

A growing proportion of Americans are expressing unfavorable views of Islam, and a majority now says that Muslims are disproportionately prone to violence.
Half of Americans have a negative view of Islam and one in four Americans admitted to harboring prejudice toward Muslims.

Well let’s see now…a partial review is in order, of the terror-related incidents around the world in which radical Islamofascists were the known perps: the first WTC bombing in 1993, the Khobar Tower bombing in Saudi Arabia, the bombing of the USS Cole, the bombing of the Marine barracks in Beirut, the U.S. embassy bombings in Kenya and Tanzania, the train station bombings in Madrid, the subway bombings in London, the hotel bombing in Bali, Indonesia, the weeks of pointless rioting and mayhem in France by unassimilated Muslim thugs, the ideologically motivated stabbing of movie maker Theo van Gogh in Holland, the petulant, imbecilic rioting in Denmark over some STUPID CARTOONS, and the ultimate expression, to date, of Islamoradical hatred for anything not Islamic…9/11. Yeah, I think “unfavorable” would be a justifiable description of American’s views of the religion of peace.

Americans are some of the most tolerant and accepting people in the world…up to a point. The Danes, Dutch and French tried unlimited tolerance for the religion-of-peace and what did they get in return…murder, mayhem, rioting and violence directed specifically at non-Muslims. I don’t think Americans are unfairly labeling Muslims as prone to violence…they’ve proven around the world that they are indeed violent. Of course, not all Muslims are bomb throwers but by not standing up and ratting out those who are, they are guilty by association. It’s a tough spot to be in but sometimes you have to choose sides. If you had information, which exposed a vicious gang that murdered your neighbors, yet you didn’t tell the police, are you not guilty of criminally bad citizenship and deserve to be viewed unfavorably? Until Muslims in this and other countries start taking a pro-active, public stand against the radicals among them, and prove that their citizenship in the U.S. means more to them than their ideological loyalty to the terrorists, they will have to accept American’s unfavorable views of, and prejudice toward, Muslims.

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