Friday, October 30, 2015

Time change this weekend

All you adolescent jihidis out there, don't forget to set your science project "clocks" back an hour on Sunday night or you might miss an opportunity to terrify your school teacher, a visit with the Islamophile President, and a free trip to the radical Islamist country of your choice.


  1. I think clock kid moved to Qatar.

  2. Why do you suppose that is when his radicalized father and pro-Muslim agitator sister live here? We'll see this kid again maybe in Gitmo or in the "gun-sigts" of a drone.

  3. I don't know who all moved there. Qatar plays it both ways, hosting our huge base while playing footsie with Islamists.

    Clock boy may be getting some "advanced training".

  4. Jesus is the most quoted prophet in the Quran and Mary is the most holy woman.

    The Jewish Talmud, on the other hand, says that Jesus is in Hell boiling in a cauldron of semen and the Virgin Mary was a whore.

    So who do (“Christian”) Ed and (unknown) Bill bust on? Muslims. Go figure.

  5. Who gives two shits what the Koran or the Talmud says?

    It wasn't the Jews who killed 3,000 civilians on 9/11, and countless others elsewhere since, in the name of their religion.

  6. A newly revived Der Stürmer is looking for correspondents. Is anyone here interested?

  7. "It wasn't the Jews who killed 3,000 civilians on 9/11, and countless others elsewhere since, in the name of their religion."

    My, my. You do live a sheltered life, don't you?

  8. Ah, I forgot you were a truther, Isaac. My apologies.

  9. ... and seeking the truth is verboten here, isn't it, Ed?

  10. "A newly revived Der Stürmer is looking for correspondents. Is anyone here interested?"

    I get it, person using the pseudonym Julius Streicher*. The holiest book in the Jewish religion can say vile things* and that is O.K. But to point out those vile things marks one as a neo-Nazi. What wonderful farce. Tee, hee. were attempting droll humor, weren't you? Your inductive reasoning isn't really that flawed ... is it?

    (*Prominent member of the NSDAP prior to World War II; founder and publisher of Der Stürmer newspaper, which became a central element of the Nazi propaganda machine.)

    Ahmed ‘Clock Kid’ Mohamed’s Family Demands $15 Million From City of Irving, School District — and That’s Not All

    Attorneys representing the family of Ahmed “clock kid” Mohamed sent a letter to Irving, Texas, officials demanding $15 million in compensation for “damages” as well as written apologies from the city’s mayor and police chief.

    BLOGGER’S COMMENT: That $15 million ought to come from the teachers, school officials, and police officers [and Ed – I.A.N.] who were too stupid to look at the device and see that it was just a digital clock.

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